
Sustainability in Printing: Choosing Eco-Friendly Printing Materials

The world is moving towards sustainability and eco-friendly materials, products, and practices. Some retailers are doing away with plastic bags. Packaging is being printed and manufactured with reusable or more responsibly sourced materials. Businesses everywhere are taking steps to reduce carbon emissions and decrease waste. In addition to changes in energy consumption and business operations, companies are looking for ways to apply sustainability to their marketing. Sustainable printing practices are possible with eco-friendly printing materials!

A brown package surrounded by dried flowers

What Is Sustainability in Printing?

Sustainable printing (sometimes called eco-friendly printing) is a term for printing methods and materials that reduce this activity’s impact on the environment. Typically, companies focused on eco-friendly printing reflect this quality in the processes and materials they use.

Environmentally friendly printing involves keeping a close eye on the use of paper, inks, and other printing materials. It also entails close monitoring of printing equipment that uses as little energy as possible.

The Benefits of Sustainable Printing Practices

You know sustainability in printing is possible. Now, you’ll learn the specific reasons why eco-friendly printing is beneficial.

Helping the Environment

As you likely expected, the environment is the primary benefactor of sustainable printing. Making environmentally friendly choices results in your business being responsible for less pollution while putting less strain on some of Earth’s more limited natural resources.

Gaining and Maintaining a Positive Reputation

Many factors go into purchasing decisions. But consumers don’t only care about quality products. According to data gathered by Harvard Business Review, 65% of consumers want to purchase products from companies focused on sustainability.

After you implement eco-friendly initiatives, make them known! Send emails, create social media posts, and update product packaging to reflect your commitment to sustainability in printing. Sustainability can bring in many new customers.

Reducing Costs

Buying energy-efficient equipment or switching to more efficient business methods can be significant upfront investments. Fortunately, they also provide incredible cost savings in the form of reduced electricity and energy usage.How to Choose Eco-Friendly Printing Materials

eco-friendly paper from a company following sustainable printing practices

No printing process is complete without the right materials. Fortunately, many environmentally friendly printing materials exist. Here are several tips to help ensure you choose eco-friendly materials for printing purposes.

Explore Sustainable Printing Options

Sustainability in printing has come a long way. This situation gives your business many options regarding a path toward more sustainable printing practices. 

In recent years, companies have started to rely on plant-based inks. Plant-based inks can offer the same variety and quality you expect from oil and paint-based products. Many sustainable inks come from soy. However, plant oils—including sunflower oil, linseed oil, and rapeseed oil—can also help produce ink.

Another form of sustainability in printing is water-based printing. Otherwise known as direct-to-film (DTF) printing, this method works well on a wide variety of surfaces, making it a smart choice for a wide range of apparel types.

Use Recyclable Packaging Materials

A group of tall trees

A major aspect of printing for most companies involves product packaging. Whether selling online, in stores, or both, your products need packages. Chances are, your packages will also need filler materials to keep products safe during the transportation processes.

Combining sustainability in printing and packaging can skyrocket your company’s eco-friendliness. One way to achieve sustainable packaging is by using compostable materials. Our planet can naturally recycle bamboo, corn, and other plant materials through decomposition.

Corrugated packaging is another popular and sustainable option. These packages contain fibers that primarily come from old and unused corrugated containers. Instead of a single-use box, corrugated box fibers, on average, can be reused seven to ten times!

Sustainable printing practices and packaging choices result in an effective and eco-friendly way to showcase and protect your products. Eco-friendly packaging can also help foster brand loyalty among shoppers who value business-related sustainability efforts.

Consider the Paper You Use

The best way to eliminate paper usage in the workplace is by choosing digital content distribution methods. However, that’s not always possible. Fortunately, you can always have assurance you’re working in an eco-friendly way by monitoring the paper your business uses.

You can avoid worrying about paper-related woes by choosing recycled paper, the backbone of sustainability in printing. As the name implies, this material comes from paper recycled from other uses.

Ask Print Material Suppliers About Their Sustainability Efforts

Sometimes, effective solutions are simple. If you’re wondering about the sustainability of your company’s printing efforts, reach out to the companies supplying you with print materials. 

A company representative should have information about their employer’s sustainability efforts. These conversations may also point you towards a supplier’s other products or services that are more eco-friendly.

You may also uncover that your current printing supplier does not commit to sustainability in printing. If your printing must become sustainable, that could be a sign to consider finding a new print supplier.

Maximize Sustainability in Other Areas

When you begin implementing sustainable printing practices, wanting to know where else your company can improve is understandable. While eco-friendly printing is a great place to start, there are many other ways to operate a business that cares about the environment.

  • Increase Energy Efficiency: Need a reason to buy that new printer? Is it time to renovate your workplace? Updating business equipment, appliances, and lighting can all improve energy efficiency.
  • Investing In Sustainability: Through carbon offsetting, a company donates to organizations and programs dedicated to carbon emission reductions in an amount that would equally offset this company’s carbon dioxide emissions.

Need a Helping Hand With Sustainability in Printing?

If changing your printing operations seems like a hassle, there’s a much easier way. Trust STiCKi as a business partner that utilizes sustainable printing practices. Our experienced full-service printing team is knowledgeable and passionate about sustainability. We also utilize sustainability through our packaging, warehousing, and distribution services.

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